4 nov 2013

Fashionradar on

7 reacties
My fashionradar is on again!
Found some interest blogsters with a great sense of style:

Carolina Engman wearing MILLY
That jacket, that bag, that T-shirt (Sorry for partying)

Simple items put together in a match. The skirt is something we see everywhere nowadays.
Personal a little short for me, but I think she got a great sense of style! 

THEA name ring by Emelie Duchêne
Posted by mirroroffashion
Now I know what I want for Christmas, with my name on it.
This amazing watch it's just what I need right now! 
What do you think?
Also posted by mirroroffashion 

If you loveee online shopping, Mart of china can be your thing.
Just watch out you don't buy any too kitchy stuff!
And... mostly they have one size :/... except for that, great Chinese concept! 
(prices: €10,00 €15,00;...) 

I thought this was kind of inspiring too
never to old for fashion:

watch it on youtube

7 opmerkingen :

  1. Het is nog niet te laat om mee te doen hé :)

    1. Gho.. ik zal er eens over nadenken! Is toch minder makkelijk dan het lijkt denk ik. Ik heb ook nog niet zo veel foto-ervaring en heb ook niet echt een geweldige camera ter hande. :)

  2. Absolutely adore the first outfit <3

    1. I totally agree! The basics are right with the right accents, just how it should be!
      Thnx for the comment ;)!

  3. Love the Leuke outfits die 2 ! x Jana

    1. Ja, echt wel de moeite waard om ze te volgen ook!
      Bedankt voor de comment,

  4. de tweede is awesome :D en mart of china ga ik eens bekijken.

    x robin
